Use DNSSEC to boost your security.

As you know, the Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure is the soul of pretty much everything on the Internet. There’s no web hosting, e-mail or messaging services, etc., that can exist online without the DNS.

And being that important, yes, the DNS has its Achilles heel: security. Its focus is not there, and that makes it vulnerable. But don’t worry, DNSSEC already exists! A reliable choice to boost security!

How does DNSSEC work?


A breakdown of rDNS.

Are you experiencing problems with your e-mails? Perhaps they are going to the spam folder or missing. If this is your case, it’s possible that the origin of the problem is that you haven’t configured reverse DNS (rDNS).

What is reverse DNS (rDNS)?

The rDNS or reverse DNS is the DNS lookup of an IP address, with the goal to find the domain name behind it. Yes, it’s exactly the opposite of the regular DNS lookup, in which a domain name points to the IP address where it’s hosted.

How to start using rDNS?


4 DDoS attacks in recent history

The DDoS attacks are devastating businesses all around the globe. They are coming each time more potent and last longer, without any sign of going away. Even the big companies are not safe from them. Cybercriminals have diverse tactics and use different protocol vulnerabilities, extensive networks of bots, and amplification methods. 

Having a large network of DNS servers and advanced DDoS protection was not enough in these 4 DDoS attacks in recent history. Here you can see how bad could it be to receive a DDoS attack


Best Practices for Setting Your TTL.

Expiry dates, deadlines, waiting, appointments… sometimes can stress you. But time is a helpful tool for efficiently working, complying with processes, and reaching objectives. The TTL is a good example! Learn these best practices for setting your TTL and manage your domain better.

What is TTL?

Time-to-live is the time or the number of hops every data packet is set up for being alive. Either on a network or devices, like a recursive server’s cache memory.

Shorter or Longer TTL?
