DNS is a complex topic and deserves proper attention. So, let’s explain a little bit more about DNS!

DNS explained. 

The Domain Name System, or for short DNS, is an infrastructure that makes the experience on the Internet for people way less complicated. It has great and enormous functionality. However, in its foundation, the Domain Name System has a database with all of the existent domain names and the IP addresses which correspond to them.

When you type a domain name that you desire to visit, the DNS process is triggered. But, first, the domain name has to be translated to a language that is understandable for machines, which are the IP addresses. Machines are able to connect and communicate with each other through numbers. So once the required IP address, which is associated with the domain name, is found, it is sent back to your browser. Now you can successfully connect and explore the website.

If DNS were not created, people would have to enter complicated long IP addresses to reach a particular website. Imagine how challenging it would be to memorize several website’s addresses! So instead, DNS allowed humans to easily type domain names, which are further translated to numbers for the machines. 

History of the Domain Name System (DNS)
